. China Bahlahisi ba theko e tlaase ba China Bahlahisi ba literekere tsa letsoho 15hp 18hp 20hp terekere e tsamaeang ka mabili a mabeli e rekisoang fektheri le bahlahisi |Indasteri ea Yucheng

Balemi ba theko e tlase ba China literekere tsa letsoho 15hp 18hp 20hp terekere e tsamaeang ka mabili a mabeli e ea rekisoa

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa



Ka koloi:

Matla a Lekanyelitsoeng (HP):


Mofuta oa Drive:


Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:


Lintlha tsa bohlokoa tsa ho rekisa:

Mofuta oa Mmaraka:

Tlaleho ea Teko ea Mechini:

Tlhahlobo ea video e hlahang:

Warranty ea likarolo tsa mantlha:

Core Components:

Mofuta oa Enjine:

Liindasteri tse sebetsang:

E ncha

Terekere ea Lebili



Terekere ea Temo

Gear Drive


Shandong, China

1 Selemo

Mosebetsi o mongata

Tse ding



1 Selemo



Lihotele, Mabenkele a Thepa ea Moaho, Setsi sa Tlhahiso, Mapolasi, Tšebeliso ea Lehae

Sebaka sa Showroom:

Boima ba 'mele:


Lebitso la sehlahisoa:

Bonyane sebaka sa tumello(mm):


Nomoro ea Mohlala:

Motheo oa mabili (mm):

Boholo ba thaere:

Kakaretso ea boholo (L*W*H)mm:

Mokhoa oa ho tsamaisa:

Boima ba sebopeho(KG):

Matla a Phepelo

Matla a Phepelo:

Packaging & Delivery


Ha ho letho

480 KG

Terekere ea Sehoai

Terekere e tsamaeang


Enjene ea diesel


680 ~ 1000 (phetoho e se nang mohato)

6.00-16 ( w-tire)

2170x 845 x 1150/2220x 1250 x 1220

litoeba li ahile mmoho


10 Setha/Sete ka Beke


Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Balemi ba theko e tlase ba China literekere tsa letsoho 15hp 18hp 20hp terekere e tsamaeang ka mabili a mabeli e ea rekisoa


• Ho sebetsa hantle haholo.
• Ho bonolo ho sebetsa, ho bonolo ho laola.
• Theko ea tlhōlisano e nang le boleng bo botle haholo
• Molumo o monyane, boima bo bobebe, sebopeho sa komporo le ts'ebetso e phethahetseng ea ho hlaolela
• E tsamaisoa ke enjene ea disele e pholileng ka metsi.Tšebeliso e tlase ea mafura bakeng sa matla a phahameng.
• Multifunctional, e ka tsamaisana le mefuta ea lisebelisoa.

Mohlala BD-15 BD-18 (181chassis) BD-20 (181chassis)
Boima ba sebopehoKG 290 480 480
Kakaretso ea boholo (L*W*H)mm 2170x 845 x 1150 2220x 1250 x 1220 2220x 1250 x 1220
Mofuta cylinder e le 'ngoe, e rapameng cylinder e le 'ngoe, e rapameng cylinder e le 'ngoe, e rapameng
Matla 10.5KW/15HP 13.2KW/18HP 14.4KW/20HP
Lebelo la ho tsamaya Tsoela pele km/h I 2-3, II 5-7, III 14-18 I 2-3, II 5-7, III 14-18 I 2-3, II 5-7, III 14-18
  Khutlela morao km/h R 11-13,5 R 11-13,5 R 11-13,5
The mabili basemm 680 ~ 740Phetoho e se nang mohato 680 ~ 1000Phetoho e se nang mohato 680 ~ 1000Phetoho e se nang mohato
Boholo ba thaere 6.00-12w-tire 6.00-16w-tire 6.00-16w-tire
Bonyane ba tumello ea fatšemm 210 260 260
Phetiso lebanta tse peli lebanta tse tharo lebanta tse tharo
The central drivetrain Transmission lisebelisoa tsa cylindrical lisebelisoa tsa cylindrical lisebelisoa tsa cylindrical
Drivetrain ho qetela koloi single-stage spur gear circle circle wheel drive single-stage spur gear circle circle wheel drive single-stage spur gear circle circle wheel drive
Mokhoa oa ho tsamaisa litoeba li ahile mmoho litoeba li ahile mmoho litoeba li ahile mmoho
Litoeba li ne li lula hammoho qoela qoela qoela
Khatello ea tanka ea mafuraMPa 0.098 0.098 0.098
Bophahamo ba tanka ea mafuraL 11 13 13
Oli e tlotsang enjene(L) 1.5-2 2.5-3.2 2.5-3.2
Lisebelisoa tsa li-gearbox 3-3.3 3.5-4.5 3.5-4.5
Palo ea ente ea metsi a pholileng 12-13 13.5-15 13.5-15
Mofuta oa terekere Mokhoa oa Gearbox plate tse tharo, ketso e le 'ngoe, e tloaelehileng, khohlano e omileng, khohlano e telele e hohelang plate tse tharo, ketso e le 'ngoe, e tloaelehileng, khohlano e omileng, khohlano e telele e hohelang plate tse tharo, ketso e le 'ngoe, e tloaelehileng, khohlano e omileng, khohlano e telele e hohelang
  Mokhoa oa Gearbox phetisetso ea mantlha le phetisetso ea motlatsi, likere tse 6 tse eang pele, lisebelisoa tse 2 tse khutlisetsang morao, (3 + 1) × 2 foromo ea sebopeho
kholomo ea lebili la gear e chitja
phetisetso ea mantlha le phetisetso ea motlatsi, likere tse 6 tse eang pele, lisebelisoa tse 2 tse khutlisetsang morao, (3 + 1) × 2 foromo ea sebopeho
kholomo ea lebili la gear e chitja
phetisetso ea mantlha le phetisetso ea motlatsi, likere tse 6 tse eang pele, lisebelisoa tse 2 tse khutlisetsang morao, (3 + 1) × 2 foromo ea sebopeho
kholomo ea lebili la gear e chitja
Mofuta oa terekere merero e 'meli bakeng sa ho hula le ho khanna merero e 'meli bakeng sa ho hula le ho khanna merero e 'meli bakeng sa ho hula le ho khanna

dfth (2) dfth (3) dfth (8) dfth (4) dfth (5) dfth (6) dfth (7)


1. P: Na u moetsi?
A: E, re moetsi ea teng Shandong.Re fetisitse setifikeiti sa ISO le CE mme lihlahisoa tsa rona li rometsoe linaheng tse fetang 20.

2. P: Ke hobane'ng ha u khethaUS ?
A: Ka lifeme tsa rona tse peli le basebetsi ba fetang 100, re hlahisa feela lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng haholo. Tiisetso ea Lilemo tse 2 le tekanyo ea 1% feela ea ho lokisa nakong ea lilemo tse 10 tse fetileng, e leng theko e tlaase le e hapang botumo bo botle.

3. P: A na u ka hlahisa mechine e ka khonehang?
A: E, re ka fana ka mechine e ka khonehang ho latela litlhoko tsa hau.Re na le lienjineri tse kholo tse 8 'me li khona ho rala le ho fana ka tlhophiso e phahameng.

4. P: Ho thoe'ng ka tšebeletso ea hau ea Ka mor'a thekiso
A: Re na le li-aftersales tse 3, 'me re ka fana ka tšehetso ea tekheniki ea lihora tse 24 ka mohala le imeile.

5. P: Nako ea hau ea ho etella pele ke efe?
A: Hangata thepa e tloaelehileng e nka matsatsi a 7-10, 'me ho iketsetsa ho nka matsatsi a 15-25.

6. P: Na ho loketse ho etela fektheri ea hau?Joang ho ea moo?
A: Rea u amohela ka mofuthu ho etela fektheri ea rona.Ha u fihla, re tla u lata.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: